Conspiracy Theories

Over the last few months, I’ve seen conspiracy theories popping up everywhere. It seems that whatever happens, there is a group of people who are ready and waiting to spread a new theory. People claimed that Donald Trump was sent by God to destroy a secret paedophile ring. Others are utterly convinced that Covid is an elaborate scheme, developed in order to insert microchips into the world's population. I’ve had conversations with people who have tried to convince me that the earth is in fact flat. Today, I was even told that the UK has secret camps which are dedicated to the extermination of the LGBTQ community and single mothers. 

I have been shouted at, I have been called an abuser, I have been told that I am brainwashed by the government. I have even been called an a-hole because I don’t stop my teenagers from wearing face masks at school. In one recent conversation, I was told that I shouldn’t even consider being vaccinated (or vaccinating my children) as I should trust my body and herbal remedies can cure everything. When I tried to find out more detail regarding this viewpoint, it turned out that they believe all Western medicine is a con, including things like the smallpox vaccine, and that there is a herbal treatment for any conceivable illness; even blindness, hormone deficiencies and organ failure. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against herbal remedies. I am a firm believer that they have their place and can be incredibly useful. But, I also believe that there are things we need modern medicine for. If I broke my arm, I would see a doctor, not a herbalist. When I requested evidence for their claims, the individual was unable to provide any, and instead told me that I should de-register my whole family from our GP surgery as doctors want to control the population with unnecessary medications which are in fact  poisons, designed to kill us slowly.

In my experience, conspiracy theories seem to take hold of people in a place of fear. They are scared of something and struggle to come to terms with the reality of a situation, and so they find an alternative option that is easier for them to cope with. If they believe that something isn’t real, then that makes it less scary. Whatever way you look at it, it is clear that conspiracy theories create heightened emotions in those who believe them and I can understand why. The people who create and spread the theories can be incredibly convincing. They tell you that the world is against you and they are the only people brave enough to say what’s really happening. Then, they tell you that the most loving thing you can do for others is to convince them of ‘the truth’.

But, I have news for you. I don’t care about your conspiracy theories.

My job is 80% research. I have to look at all of the facts and draw informed conclusions from all of the data before writing anything. If I didn’t do the research then that could potentially be dangerous for whoever reads my work, damaging to my clients and it wouldn’t make me a very good writer. If you decide to try and tell me that the Royal family is secretly a race of lizard people from outer space, then you’d better be prepared to back up your claim with fully quantifiable facts; because I will definitely be doing my research. 

I am always more than happy to have conversations with people who have different opinions from my own. I enjoy a good debate and I love learning new things. The thing that saddens me about the conspiracy theorists that I have met though, is the belief that if they shout louder then it will make more people believe them. This simply isn’t true. Shouting at me, or being rude, simply makes me not want to get into a conversation.

So, in conclusion, if you want to talk to me about your latest theory, please note the following:

 Don’t shout at me
 Be polite
 Make sure you have real evidence, not just a video of a dodgy looking bloke you found on YouTube. 

If you can manage all of that, then I will welcome a debate. Who knows, we may both learn something. 


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